Moments that Matter – March 2017

I have been asked to join in with a group of talented photographers in sharing a personal blog once a month. A blog of images that I’ve taken throughout the month that are personal to me. I was really excited about the opportunity for many reasons, one being it will force me to take more photos of my two boys. Well, that was a much bigger challenge than I imagined.
Lately, I’ve been taking less photos of my kids, purely because of life being so busy. It’s something I said I’d never do, let life get in the way of capturing my own memories. Yet in my heart, I let it happen, I let myself down.
So, I promise you and myself that in future months, I’ll push myself to keep capturing the special moments in my family’s life, because it’s incredibly important to me and I also think its important to my boys to look back on as they grow.
So, this month has been pretty wet, which has kept my two active boys inside, far more than any of us would like. Although, it’s also made us appreciate the sunshine that little bit more. We literally would peer out the windows in the morning and take a big breath of relief if we were greeted with sunshine.
On the sunny days, we got out! We played, we ran, we jumped and we climbed. Still new to our neighbourhood, we found a new playground and the flying fox was a huge success. Then on the rainy days we cooked yummy treats. The fridge was a revolving door for one little hungry bee in the house, who didn’t understand why if he opened the door of the fridge in 5 minutes time, there wouldn’t be a new collection of food to eat??
We celebrated a 9th Birthday in the house too, I still cant believe he is actually 9 years old!!! Where does the time go? He needed an iPad for school (how lucky is he!), so that was his birthday present, which i have to say, has saved us on some of there wet days.
All in all, it was an eventful month and I’m thankful for this lovely group who inspired me to take more photos than I would have otherwise.
If you would like to see more from the amazing artists in this wonderful blog circle called Moments that Matter, please follow this link to the very talented Lauren Kennedy Photographer, to see her special memories from this month…